Rosehip Oil (Antioxidant+) - Trilogy - Review

Hello everyone!
Today I am going to have a bit of a yarn about another one of my skin care faves!
And that is Rosehip oil! 

Rosehip oil it seams, has become a bit of a cult product. But just in case you haven't heard about it, I'll do my best to explain. 
The rosehip oil I use is from the New Zealand Brand 'Trilogy'.
Firstly if you are interested in great skin care, I would urge you to check this brand out. All their products are natural, cruelty free and made with rosehip oil. I won't try explain too much but if you would like more information about Trilogy see this link (This is not an affiliate link) 

As you all know, I have pretty dry skin, especially in the winter (Which it is coming into here in New Zealand) and trying to put makup on a face that is dry and flakey is not a hot look. So, after spending far too many hours on Youtube watching different skin care videos, I somehow came across rosehip oil.
Everyone was saying that Rosehip oil is amazing for dry skin so naturally I did some googling and foung the Trilogy website. This is what they have to say about their oil "Rosehip Oil Antioxidant + improves brightening, skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, elasticity and firmness" They also say that "Combining nourishing essential fatty acids with super antioxidants, lycopene and phytosterol, this certified organic beauty oil is deeply moisturising while helping to protect against environmental free radical damage".

Baaassically, rosehip oil is really blimin good for your skin. 
I have been using this for about a year now and when I use it consistently, my skin is happy happy happy! 
This particular oil is quite thick but a bit goes a long way! If you end up using too much, it can take up to an hour to complete skin into the skin. You don't need tons on your face, so just start with one or tow drops and add more as needed. The bottle I have on the go, I have been using pretty much daily (about 4 drops) since feb!
I mostly use this product at night. After I have showered and washed my face, I will apply this to a dry face. Give it 15 minutes to sink in and then I apply my night cream and eye cream and TRUST me, when I do this EVERY night, my skin is so healthy, soft and glowey! 

You also don't have to just use this on your face. You can pretty much apply it everywhere. When the eczema on my hands is playing up I will use a small amount on that too. I feel great about doing this occasionally because its such a natural product (PS I'm not saying rosehip oil will cure eczema or anything, just that it helps with the flakeyness of the skin) 

So, If you have dry skin, (Or even oily skin as oils help with the natural production of oil on your face) or are just after something to change up your skin care routine, give this a go!

Leave me a comment below if you have tried this and what you think of it?
Do you have any skin care suggestions for me? Leave them blow too! 

Util next time, Stay Excellent x 

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