Today I come to you with an interesting blog title but hopefully you won't all think I'm a crazy person as this going to be a review of my Beauty Trash!
Basically it's an 'Empties' review. If you have been around the beauty internet world you will know that this type of post it done quite often as it is an awesome way to tell you about products I love so much I've used up the whole thing! So lets get started!
Here is an overview of the products I will be talking about today!
Now, I have been 'collecting' these products for quite a few months now as I have been meaning to do this post for awhile, I don't normally go through this many products.
So we shall start at the back!
Fudge: Clean Blonde, Violet Toning shampoo: This stuff is wonderful! I have Ombre hair so the ends are blonde and to keep them looking blonde and not yellow, a purple shampoo is essential to tone away the brassiness. When I got my hair done I had heard wonderful things about this particular shampoo so I bought it straight away! And I have not turned back, I am onto my second bottle and I only use it once a week. If you have any blonde in your hair that you want to stay true to colour I would highly recommend this brand!
Health Basics: Ruby Bay Sunset, body wash cream: This is my all time favourite body wash! As you might know I have super sensitive skin so finding a body wash that didn't make me itch was such a mission! But I eventually found this and I am in love! It is soap free and ph balanced so it works nicely with my skin. It also has rosehip oil in the formula which again I think helps with my sensitive skin. The fact that it is a cream and not a gel is also a bonus as I find gels tend to dry out my skin even more which is never good! I have even got the BF into using this too as I reacted to all his boy body washes with their intense scents! I had four of these in my beauty trash pile when I took these photos... What does that tell ya haha
Batiste: Dry Shampoo: Now I have done a stand alone post on this dry shampoo so I won't go into too much detail here but basically this stuff is amazing! It helps takes the greasiness out of your second and third day hair! (After I took this photo I also found another full size in the sassy and wild scent and a travel size in the cherry... )
Redkin: All Soft Conditioner: This I got when I first dyed my hair, I got it because after bleaching my hair, it wasn't in the best condition, especially the ends. This really helped to bring some life back into my limp hair. Typically the conditioner ran out before the shampoo which I still have in rotation but this stuff is really wonderful. If you have damaged ends I would recommend going into a shampoo shop and chatting to someone about this because it really did make the ends of my hair super soft. I have not found another conditioner that makes my hair softer
Next up:
Neutrogena: Deep Clean facial cleanser: This is one of my Holey Grail face washes! I had 4 bottles of this in my trash pile haha And no I don't go through it really quickly I was just hoarding it for awhile! I have used this for 5-6 years now and it really does wonders for my skin. It is a gel like consistency as it is formulated for normal to oily skin, the gel consistency tends to slightly dry out the skin which is helpful for those who are quite oily. I don't tend to have oily skin but this is a really deep cleansing product, it helps get right into the pores and take out any dirt and grime from the day. I would recommend this if you are after a new face wash! I am not currently using this as I have two other face washes in rotation but I have half a bottle sitting n my shower just in case!
Johnsons baby conditioning shampoo: This you might think is a bit out of place and I don't have a baby BUT this is what I use to wash my makeup brushes! (Firstly if you don't wash your makeup brushes I encourage you to look up some youtube videos and START WASHING YOUR BRUSHES - I will do a blog post on this soon!) Because this shampoo is intended for use on tiny humans (aka babies hehe) it is really gentle and this is important for washing makeup brushes as their bristles are more delicate than hair so need something a bit more gently on them. This shampoo I find is perfect for a nice deep cleanse without deforming the bristles. Def give this a go if you are looking for a brush wash!
The Body Shop: Tea Tree Oil: *makes angels in heaven ahhhhh noise* This is my life saver!!! I am the worlds worst picker at things on my face that I should not be picking.. ie Pimples (Sorry TMI right!) And this stops me from looking the a crazy person! This particular tea tree oil is 15% , you can get other brands with a higher percentage but this is enough to clear up any blemishes or scars within a week or so if you use it consistently. I make sure I have freshly washed hands, apply a small amount to my finger tip and dab it onto any spot, scaring or any kind of blemish and it really helps to clear up the skin. This is great but don't go dousing you entire face in this as I am sure that's not so good. Look into a good skin care routine if you are having problems with blemishes!
Vaseline: Intensive Care Moisturiser: Here is another of my fave products! I had 3 of these bad boys sitting in my trash! Again I have a stand alone post on this spray so wont go into too much detail but this is a fab moisturiser. It is a spray moisturiser which I found is super super convenient. It is not a heavy or intense moisturiser which I like as I hate having to wait for moisturiser to sink into the skin and dry. In saying that because its such a light spray, I feel it doesn't keep my skin moisturised for as long as a cream type moisturiser would so I sometimes have to reapply. I also discovered that the more I used this product and as it headed towards the end, the nossle started to go a bit cray and blocked causing it to spray in crazy directions. The first time, I wiped it down and it was fine again but after that no amount of wiping would stop the crazy spraying so keep that in mind if you are wanting to purchase. I currently have about 5 body moisturisers on the go but despite its nossle problems and lightness I will still keep this on hand as it is so quick and easy to use!
Pure Moist: Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution: AKA contact solution .... The name of this cracks me up every time I use it haha. This is the contact solution I have been using ever since I got contacts because it LASTS FOR EVER! When I ordered this I got two of the big 300 ml bottles and a travel size bottle, I have so far only gone through the travel size and one of the 300 ml bottles. My friend who recently got laser eye surgery also gave me the same pack from the same brand so I have only ever used this contact solution so I wont be useful for a comparison. Buutt I like it, it cleans my contacts nicely and I haven't had any reactions so I'm happy. Do you have any suggestions of contact solutions I could try? I am considering trying another despite having 4 bottles of this stuff... haha
Mitchem: Clinical defence 48Hr Deodorant: This is my current fave deodorant. I'm not much of a sweater but last summer I had been finding that regular deodorant just didn't cut the mustard with the heat so I decided to try out a 48 Hour protection one. I have tried the Rexona one but for the price of that (pretty much $20) I didn't think it was worth it so I tried this one. This is my third tube and I really quite like it. As it is a 48 hour one, you can apparently put it on at night and when you shower the next day you can not wash your pits and this will stay on and continue to protect you.. but this freaks me out so I wash my pits daily haha You do have to make sure you scrub tho as it really does stay on the skin - which is good I suppose? It has taken me awhile to figure out how to use it in the best way but less is more with this product. It can come out quite thick and if you have too much on and put on clothes before its dry you will get nice big white patches all over your clothes which is not desirable. But other than that it is the beast deodorant I have come across, keeps me dry and smell free for HOURS! Give it a go if you are looking for a new one!
And Lastly!
The Body Shop: Aloe Soothing Day Cream and Aloe Protective Serum: Again these are my all time favourite skin care products. I have been out of these two babies for about 2 months and it is showing on my skin desperately! I have a post raving about these guys so go check that out if you want some more detail! In a nut shell these two products help to revive my dry skin and due to my skins sensitivity they are perfect as they have not harsh chemicals and the aloe is very soothing.Having nice plump moisturised skin helps with keeping blemishes at bay and improves the application of foundation! I have defiantly noticed my skin is a bit more uneven and dry since I have stopped using them so I will be straight off to The Body Shop to get some more!
Phewf! What an essay! If you have stuck with me thus far I applaud you! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my opinions on these products! Have you used any of these products? What did you think of them? Do you have any product suggestions for me? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Anyway, I'm off for now and as always..
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